Twente, the Netherlands


The main technological themes are quantum photonics, quantum electronics and quantum materials and all make use of the MESA+ institute for Nanotechnology as common high end facility. With successful quantum photonics industry in its midst, the ecosystem surrounding the QUANT Centre is rapidly growing. At the core of all the activities at the University of Twente however is the talent development for the future quantum landscape. In summary, the structure of the QUANT Centre is such it adheres to the goals of the National Technology Strategy to increase talent, work towards funding and market creation with access to high end facilities such as the MESA+ Nanolab.

With around 100 FTEs working in quantum related topics the QUANT centre is one of the quantum technology powerhouses in the Netherlands. Most of the research activities are conducted in, or have spun out from, the various faculties of the University of Twente and are bundled in the Quantum Nanotechnology Twente (QUANT) Centre.

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What is the Quantum Campus?

The European Quantum Campus represents a growing number of leading hubs where quantum R&D takes place, where people can meet and work on the next milestones for the young quantum economy. This initiative started with the trilateral collaboration between France, Germany and the Netherlands; but is open to additional partners as we grow the ecosystem across Europe.

In the coming months, we will place more information about hubs and joint projects on this website

This initiative is led by:

Each organization brings unique expertise, collectively enhancing quantum technology education and innovation across these European nations.