

The goal was to bring together different programme coordinators in quantum academic programmes from France, the BENELUX and Switzerland in order to expand the network, get to know national education strategies in quantum, learn more about developments in this field and to initiative international cooperation focuses on mobility of students and early-career researchers.

Quantum technology stands as one of the pivotal strategic domains of the 21st century, and many European countries, like the Netherlands and France have proactively concentrated its efforts on enhancing research infrastructures, cultivating ecosystems, fostering start-ups, and engaging with partners across Europe. Amidst these endeavors, talent development and circulation of talent in Europe is crucial. Universities and R&D institutions should ignite passion among students, offer top-tier academic programs, and prepare future engineers adept in quantum technologies.

In light of these imperatives, fostering collaboration among universities, research institutes, start-ups, end-users, and governments at the European level emerges will be a cornerstone. Such cooperation not only nurtures the engineers of tomorrow but also enhances the sector’s allure in Europe and contributes to the realization of European technological sovereignty.

This webinar (in English) aimed to provide an overview of these issues and to offer a platform for higher education institutions wishing to develop partnerships with other higher education institutions and mobility between European countries.

Overview of the National programmes

  • Presentations by the Embassy of France in the Netherlands, QuantEduFrance and Quantum Delta NL on the state of cross-border cooperation.
  • Case studies and a cross-discussion between French, Dutch, Belgian, Swiss and Luxembourgish experts on training of students and early career researchers in quantum engineering.
  • A session of pitches by coordinators of academic programs who are actively seeking partners (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland).
  • This meeting will also be an opportunity to present to representatives of institutions the sources of funding to realize their cooperation projects.

You can watch the Webinar Here

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What is the Quantum Campus?

The European Quantum Campus represents a growing number of leading hubs where quantum R&D takes place, where people can meet and work on the next milestones for the young quantum economy. This initiative started with the trilateral collaboration between France, Germany and the Netherlands; but is open to additional partners as we grow the ecosystem across Europe.

In the coming months, we will place more information about hubs and joint projects on this website

This initiative is led by:

Each organization brings unique expertise, collectively enhancing quantum technology education and innovation across these European nations.