Düsseldorf, Germany


EIN Quantum NRW is supported by the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia through the establishment of an office that backs the network in its work and in achieving its goals. The office works in three dimensions: strategic orientation and increasing the network's networking and visibility in North Rhine-Westphalia and beyond.

The goals of the Ein Quantum NRW office are

§  Increasing the strategic capability of EIN Quantum NRW

§  To better showcase scientific excellence

§  Demonstrate opportunities for economic value creation

§  To network science and industry even more closely, both nationally and internationally

EIN Quantum NRW is a broad network of universities, research institutions and companies that are significantly active in the field of quantum technologies. Through close cooperation, the developing EIN Quantum NRW ecosystem pursues both, scientific and economic interests and promotes them together in North Rhine-Westphalia under one roof. EIN Quantum NRW strives to make North Rhine-Westphalia a strong partner for the European quantum ecosystem.

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What is the Quantum Campus?

The European Quantum Campus represents a growing number of leading hubs where quantum R&D takes place, where people can meet and work on the next milestones for the young quantum economy. This initiative started with the trilateral collaboration between France, Germany and the Netherlands; but is open to additional partners as we grow the ecosystem across Europe.

In the coming months, we will place more information about hubs and joint projects on this website

This initiative is led by:

Each organization brings unique expertise, collectively enhancing quantum technology education and innovation across these European nations.