Stuttgart, Germany


The innovation initiative QuantumBW promotes the transfer of quantum technology research into applications in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It brings together fundamental and applied research with industrial development and application. It serves as a platform that pools Baden-Württemberg’s extensive expertise in the fields of quantum sensing, quantum computing and quantum networks to form a strong cross-institutional and interdisciplinary quantum technology ecosystem. With comprehensive technology roadmaps, the initiative aims to reach market maturity with cutting-edge quantum technology platforms to improve areas such as health, mobility and climate protection.
QuantumBW is jointly funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministries of Science, Research and the Arts and of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism.

THE LÄND of quantum technology
QuantumBW is an innovation initiative that forms an umbrella brand for the many activities in the field of quantum technologies in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

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What is the Quantum Campus?

The European Quantum Campus represents a growing number of leading hubs where quantum R&D takes place, where people can meet and work on the next milestones for the young quantum economy. This initiative started with the trilateral collaboration between France, Germany and the Netherlands; but is open to additional partners as we grow the ecosystem across Europe.

In the coming months, we will place more information about hubs and joint projects on this website

This initiative is led by:

Each organization brings unique expertise, collectively enhancing quantum technology education and innovation across these European nations.